Inbound marketing is about creating marketing and sales that people love by providing helpful content and resources that attract people to you according to Hubspot.

In fact, this is not so hard to become an inbound focused company.

The hardest part is just a time! It takes time and you should be patient, if you are creating content and resources.

Your primary goal is creating a brand awareness. Today’s B2B buyers also searching online when they decide to buy something.

%70 of a buyer’s research is done before they talk to sales. %59 of buyers prefer not to talk to sales at all according to aligned to achieve.

This is mostly for B2B buyers and there are 4 decision makers average on it. That means you are going to affect more people.

So you can starty analyzing and to grade your website in this point of view! Content and resources.

Basically, you may think blogs as the content and your product range as resources!

How much points do you get? 1-10.

1-10, If you got 1 point, a little is better than none!

1 point means you have website about to die or domain.

If you have no marketing team or blog strategy, you may also focus on your product range.

This may also be a good starting point!

When you think about B2B, I am much more experienced about capital goods, manufacturer goods or producer goods.

Let's say industrial goods for all!

E-com is not for those industrial goods manufactures and suppliers.

Because product prices are changeable depends on logistic costs, stock status and manufacturing quantities. That is why there are mimimum order quantities.

So you may serve your products without add-to-cart option! Invest in it! Change your website with product range! Start focusing on SEO.

Buyers searching with specifications, product names, descriptions and most importantly, manufacturer order codes.

But also there is a faster and a cheaper way of serving your products.

Always there is!

Use Bidustry! Bidustry is B2B marketplace for industrial sellers and buyers.

Start quickly uploading all your product range. Products are being served without prices by sellers.

Thousands or ten thousands of products can be uploaded in a small period of time with a few step.

While buyers searching a product online, their primary goal is to reach verified suppliers. They can contact you or request for a quota!

In this way you create thousends of online channel with your products unlike e-commerce to your company.

If you are the supplier of brands included at Bidustry, it is much more easy to receive inquiries without any upload option.

Bidustry offers collective move for manufacturers and suppliers.

Discover more!

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Don't forget to read some blogs!


RFQ on existing products or on manually added requests without any registration.


Contact suppliers through supplier or product pages.


List your brands and industrial products.